..:: kobNet ::..

..:: web-design  
we think that the field of web design is our main services and our specialty. we try to give your website a look mirroring your cooperate identity. down below is a short description of the steps we have chossen to provide you with a ggod service and consulting.

..:: the objective of the define phase

is to understand, at a granular level, our clients' business objectives, target audience and any other parameters involved in the project. Some of the tasks that we complete during this phase include:

> Review our clients' competitive landscape
  > Interview the clients' key project stakeholders to review and understand the business proposition
  > Assist our clients in the articulation of the brand attributes - what is the company's competitive advantage and key points of differentiation?
  > Review and understand target users and market segments
  > Review of all other project parameters including timing, budget, etc.

..:: during the design phase

we brainstorm, develop and present design directions for client review and approval. The objective of this phase is to arrive at an approved design concept prior to proceeding with the Implementation Phase of our methodology. Some of the tasks that we complete during this phase include:

> Conceptual brainstorming
  > Design development
  > Design refinement
  > Application and extension of approved design

..:: during the Implement Phase

we proceed with the production of all necessary electronic files and specification documents that allow our clients to execute on the selected design system. Some of the tasks that we complete during this phase include

> Development of final electronic artwork
  > HTML production
  > Development of guidelines/specification documentation
..:: internet programming  
with the expression of internet programming we combine a lot of things related to this field of our service. first we thnk of inernet programming as the process to convert the finished design to a html source. it is a way to translate the visual desgin into a form every browser can read. we try to programme your sites in way that both widespreaded internet browser get a perfect display of your site.

on the other hand side, we think of internet programming in way to provide you with complexer computer languages than html. we can give you a service of php and javascript. possible application scenarios are contact forms, small ordering systems or java-based navigations. just send a request with your problem or your idea and we give you instant service after we ckecked the situation.
..:: cooperate id development  
with this service we try to develop and design a cooperate id for your young business or give you our ideas for a redesign of your old look. we learn about your company information, what your specialties are, what customers you provide with your solutions. with this information we know how your cooperate id has to look to represent the company for your costumers and in general.
..:: send your request here
..:: translation service  
our transaltion service is based on the main idea of the company to provide a good feedback for companies, which choose to operate a website in another country. this aims on american companies which decided to built a german site or german companies desided to built up an american written web service. we provide you with a freelancer staff with native speaken english and experience to translate technical texts.
..:: flash movies  
the internet is getting interactive and full of movement and sound. we can give you a samll service in this field of development. we think of small flash movie intros or navigations.
..:: wireless services  
the internet is gettimg movment on another way to. it is getting mobil and you can surf the net just right from your pockets with a mobil cell phone. we use the european standard format for wireless webpages - the wireless apllication protocol - wap. so it is no problem to provide your sustomers or consumers with wireless information anymore. (information to find a company facility, for example)
..:: sound features  
you want to put some spice in your website by using some sounds or background music? no problem with the kobNet sound feature service. if you have some asorted music for your site, we will add it to your page in a converted way. we compress files to a web file standard to provide shorter download or loading times for your webpage.
you don't have some music files and want an individual sound on your site? no problem for us, either. we will produce a sound file that is to be connected with your company.

        © 2001 kobNet solutions - solutions for the media world